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Night at the roxbury gif

When it comes to app development, however, there is a strong misconception: many users believe that developing an Android app is easier and cheaper than developing an iOS application. For investors and programmers, this all translates into a great opportunity: app development has become a way of increasing a company's revenue, finding new clients, retaining old customers, managing customer support, and even starting a new business based entirely around the launch of a new mobile app. We are so accustomed to managing every aspect of our life from our smartphones that we turn up our noses when we can't. This data isn't the most shocking of all: our own experience shows us how mobile phones have become part of our everyday life and are ever-present at home, school, work, and during our free time. With an 18.6% expected growth in 6-7 years, the market of mobile apps is one of the most promising for 2022's investors.

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And its growth shows no sign of slowing down: according to an analysis conducted by Allied Market Research, "the global mobile apps market size was valued at $106.27 billion in 2018," and it is expected to reach "$407.31 billion by 2026". The market for mobile apps has been increasing exponentially.

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